For the very first mosquito to ever bite me - Thank you. Thank you
for igniting this passion within me. My love for you shall live
forever. You, however, did not.
Established by John Winchester in 2011 Squash'Emâ„¢ has been
successfully exterminating mosquitoes all around the globe for many
years now. But just how exactly did this company come to be? How was
the fire necessary to fight this evil lit? And who exactly is the man
at the very forefront of this never-ending battle?
The story goes that once while only but a young child Mr. Winchester
witnessed his parents getting bit by mosquitoes. Out of nowhere they
came, countless numbers of them, and just like that in a mere was over.
This event has left a mark on him that has lasted for his entire life,
and ever since that day he swore vengeance on the entire mosquito
But is this true? Was this really that happened? The story has been
nothing but hush tones and silent whispers among the workers in the
company for years. But now finally after more than a decade we have
the man himself step up and tell us the story. The story of
My name is John. My world is darkness and blood.
Once, I was a hunter, a warrior searching for a righteous cause.
As the buzzing grew silent, each of us, in our own way, was broken. It
was hard to know who bled more...
Me or everyone else.
Here they come again. Buzzing their way into the black matter of my
I tell myself... they cannot bite me.
They are long squashed.